Sunday, 11 August 2013

Lanercost Priory Craft fair and Potfest in the Pens, Summer 2013

I have just finished Lanercost Priory Summer craft fair and Potfest in the Pens for another year. I had such a lovely time exhibiting my ceramics at both of these local events. Thank you to all that visited, and popped by my stand, it was lovely to meet you all.

Here are a few pictures I took of my display,

Lanercost Priory Craft Fair,

Potfest in the Pens,

Potfest celebrated its 20th birthday making it the oldest potters market in the U.K and we all had scrummy cake to celebrate it. It was also my birthday on the Sunday and decorated my pen with lovely cards received from a visit from my friends.

Keep a look out for dates for the Christmas craft fair at Lanercost Priory and Potfest in the Pens 2014, and hope to see you all again soon.

Amanda x