Friday, 10 August 2018

Greystoke Craft Fair, 25th - 27th August 2018

I am currently putting items together for my next event, Greystoke Craft Fair at St Andrews Church, Greystoke, Penrith, Cumbria. It is a lovely mix of craft stalls handmade locally. The fair is open, Friday 25th, Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th August 2018 from 10am - 4pm. On the Sunday the fair will open after the morning service from around 11am and will close at 4pm.

Here are just some of the items I will be taking with me!

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Potfest 2018

Potfest is now over for another year and it was great to be back again this year. Thank you to everyone that visited!

Potfest usually falls on my birthday and it was lovely to have this waiting for me when I arrived on Saturday from a friend, fellow maker and exhibitor Catriona Archibald x 

The Competition for this year was titled 'Strange Fruit/Fruit Bowl' so my idea was 'Deep Sea Sediments' which are Marine life that collect and bury in the sea bed. 'Fruits de mer.'

On the Sunday I had a lovely visit from these two gorgeous girls, my little cousins Freya and Esme with their fab tea lights they made at the event. Little potters in the making!

London 2018

I have recently got back from a trip to London. It is an annual holiday for me and have been going every Summer since I exhibited at New Designers in 2009. I was excited to go to the V&A to see the Frida Kahlo, Making Herself Up Exhibition which I really enjoyed. It was very personal with her beautiful dresses, items and paintings. We had a lovely day at my favourite places, Columbia Road and Spitalfields Market where there was an artists selling their works and prints. Other places we visited include Westminster Abbey, the Natural History Museum, Covent Garden, Liberty, Borough Market, Somerset House and we also went to see the King and I at the London Palladium and a day watching Harry Potter and the cursed child!