Friday, 28 March 2014

Art in the Pen, Carlisle, 28th - 29th June 2014

I am so excited to have been selected to exhibit at the very first Art in the Pen, Carlisle. From the 28th - 29th June 2014, 10am - 4pm at Borderway Mart, Rosehill, Carlisle. Animal pen's are transformed into little stands with lots of different artists, designers and makers exhibiting and selling their work, all working in a range of different media's and styles.

For more information visit,

Monday, 24 March 2014

Happy Mothers Day & receive a free greeting card with every online order

With Mother's day on the 30th March there are lots of goodies and treats for your Mum. Give something special and a little bit different this year x

I am also giving away a free printed greeting card with every order until Friday 28th March, making it a lovely Mother's day card which also looks gorgeous framed afterwards.
Take your pick from three designs, birds and roses... hares, ducks, geese and pheasants... or butterflies. Just let me know your choice in the comments box at the check out.
 A 'Mum' mini porcelain dish, lovely for holding little trinkets, making it a lovely keepsake.
Cute little flower button drawing pins perfect for pinning notes on her notice board.