Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Easter Workshop

A few weeks ago I had a workshop with the ladies from the Belle Vue Craft Group. We had a great time making porcelain Easter decorations and bunting. In the first week the pieces were created by using lace, papers and objects to imprint in to the surface and cutters were used for shapes.

We let the pieces dry out and in the second week the ladies decorated their own pieces by using underglaze and techniques such as inlay and paper resist to create colour and patterns. They were then bisc fired.

Glazed and then fired again. These are the fab results! They are going to look great as a decoration or a string of bunting. Lovely pieces of work from a very talented bunch!




Happy Easter

I would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter and have a lovely bank holiday!
Amanda x

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

British Craft Trade Fair over for another year!

I am now home from exhibiting at this years BCTF. Thank you to everyone that popped by my stand and I am looking forward to getting started with the orders!

If you have a gallery or shop and would be interested in stocking my pieces please do get in touch and I will happily send you one of my new trade brochures.

I was really pleased to have had my pieces chosen to be shown in the Exhibitor Display Gallery at the fair.