Friday, 27 May 2022

National Fish and Chip Day 2022

It’s National Fish & Chip day 🐟 🇬🇧 so here’s a throw back of a piece I made for the Potfest in the Pens competition ‘Dinner for one’ back in 2016. Enjoy your fish Friday chippie tea! Happy weekend 🇬🇧

Thursday, 26 May 2022

Potfest in the Pens, October 2022

A date for your diary ✨Potfest in the Pens! There are two Potfest in the Pens in Penrith this year, and I am delighted to be exhibiting at the one in October 28th-30th 🤍 The two events feature different sets of exhibitors and the first Potfest in the Pens takes place next week, June 3rd-5th. Looking forward to seeing you in October!

Saturday, 21 May 2022

Jubilee decoration drop

A little website sale drop of some pieces I have found recently including these decorations 🇬🇧 An ideal gift, party favour, table decoration and keepsake for the Queens Platinum Jubilee 🇬🇧 A few sets and individual decorations available. Find them in the ‘sale’ section in my online shop here 🤍

Sunday, 8 May 2022

A Sunday sort

A Sunday spent sorting through end of line stock/seconds and photographing for a Spring clear out sale over on my online shop 🌸 I hope to gradually be adding the pieces to the site over the next few days so keep your eyes peeled. Enjoy your Sunday everyone 🤍

Saturday, 7 May 2022

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Happy Tuesday

Pretty colourful decorations to brighten the day 🌸 working my way through my list, packing up a selection of hearts, birds and butterflies ready to fly off to a gallery 🦋 and finishing off a few personalised orders today ready for posting. Hope you all had a lovely bank holiday!