Sunday, 30 August 2020

Country Living Magazine, October issue 2020

 Thank you so much Country Living Magazine for featuring one of my keepsake tokens in the October issue. ๐Ÿ’› Delighted to turn the page and spot it in the Emporium pages. You can find them here.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

International Dog Day

 Happy international dog day ๐Ÿพ this is our gorgeous girl Millie who turned 13 a couple of weeks ago ๐Ÿงก 

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Happy Saturday

H a p p y  S a t u r d a y ♡ have a lovely weekend everyone x 

Your purchases

Loved receiving these photographs from the lovely Vivienne from the Artful Bear with her collection of butterfly decorations hanging outside her front door. They look fab ๐Ÿฆ‹

Monday, 17 August 2020

New face coverings added to the website!

I have just added some beautiful new Liberty Tana Cotton Lawn face coverings on to the website ♡ along with a new peacock feather pattern in cotton lawn. Beautifully soft and light weight. All are handmade with double layer fabric, a nose wire, an inside pocket for an extra filter/tissue and come with their own carry pouch. You can view the range of patterns and cottons here

Liberty fabrics and cotton lawn £12
Printed cotton fabrics £10

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Up to date!

I’m all up to date and all orders from the weekends pop up market have been posted ✉️ I hope you like your purchases and thank you all so much ♡ looking forward to the next one! 

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Orders from the pop up market

Some of the orders placed from the weekends Country Living Artisan pop up market event have been posted and on their way to you ✉️ other half hopefully tomorrow. I have to say I do love carefully wrapping all of your lovely orders ♡

Thank you!

 T h a n k  y o u ♡ thank you so much for your lovely likes, shares, comments and for shopping with me at the Country Living Artisan pop up market at the weekend. Your support is amazing! I am currently working my way through wrapping and packing your orders and will be posting them out to you over the next couple of days ♡

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Country Living Artisan Pop Up Market continued...

G o o d  E v e n i n g ✨ I have really enjoyed taking part in this weekends Country Living Artisan Summer pop up market. The event ends at midnight tonight so still plenty of time to shop if you fancy a bit of retail therapy this evening. Lots of lovely artists, makers and independents taking part and all offering a minimum of 20% off. Enjoy the rest of the weekend ♡

Liberty Tana Lawn Cotton face coverings now online!

♡ L i b e r t y ♡ Liberty Tana Lawn Cotton face coverings now online here. These are tightly wovenAll coverings are washable, double layered, have a nose wire and an inside pocket to add an extra filter/tissue and complete with a little pouch to pop your face covering in ♡

Final day of the Country Living Artisan Pop Up Market

H a p p y  S u n d a y ๐ŸŒธ I hope your enjoying the Country Living Artisan Pop Up Weekend! It is the last day today and I'm excited to have a little look and shop myself! Don't forget to sign up to this exclusive shopping event where you can find me in the Ceramics section to receive your 20% off discount code. Happy shopping ♡ #clartisans #athomewithcountryliving

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Face coverings now online!

Face coverings now on my online shop! Beautiful Betsy and Betsy Ann Liberty Tana Lawn cotton ♡ and other pretty patterned cottons including bee-autiful bees, fab florals ๐ŸŒธ and lots of others to choose from. Each one is washable, handmade with double layer fabric, nose wire, an inside pocket to add a filter/tissue if you wish and come with a little bag to pop your face covering in. You can find the collection here.

At home with Country Living

 H e l l o ♡ I hope you your all enjoying this gorgeous sunshine ☀️ thank you all for your lovely likes, comments and purchases so far from the Country Living Artisan Pop Up Market. Here are a few new items added on to my online shop. Sign up here for 20% off my collection and other discounts from the exhibitors this weekend☀️ #clartisans #athomewithcountryliving

Country Living Artisan Pop Up Market, Now OPEN!

 N o w   O p e n ๐Ÿ’š The Country Living Artisan Pop Up Market is now open for the weekend! My shop is all stocked up full of handmade gifts. Sign up here for access to an event guide and exclusive shopping discount codes. You can find me in the ceramics section where I am offering 20% off my online shop all weekend! Happy shopping ๐Ÿ’š

Friday, 7 August 2020

Updating my online shop ready for this weekends Country Living Pop Up Market

 G o o d  a f t e r n o o n ♡ I am just currently adding some more new items and updating my online shop ready for this weekends Country Living Artisan Pop Up Market. I hope you can join us and don't forget to sign up to gain exclusive access to discount codes from the artists, designers and independents taking part. I will be sharing some of my new items I have available over the weekend ♡

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Countdown to the Country Living Artisan Pop Up Market

Join us this weekend on the 8th and 9th August for the Country Living Summer Artisan Pop Up Market. After the success of the May event I am delighted to be taking part again where I will be offering 20% off my online shop all weekend. 

Sign up here to pre-register for the artisan market. You will receive an event guide and exclusive access to discount codes from me and all of the artists, makers and independents taking part. If you previously signed up to the May event you will need to register again. 

There is also lots happening throughout the weekend on the Country Living Facebook page. It is going to be a fab weekend! 

Monday, 3 August 2020

Country Living Artisan pop up market, this weekend!

Lovely browsing through the Country Living Artisan Pop up Market event guide. Not long to go now ๐Ÿ’š I will be offering 20% off from my online shop this weekend for the event. Just sign up here and find out who is taking part and to gain access to exclusive discount codes. Hope you can join us on the 8th and 9th August ๐Ÿ’š

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Potfest in the Pens 2020

Today would have been the last day of Potfest in the Pens. However it has been postponed and the new dates for this year are the 30th, 31st October and 1st November 2020. We hope to see you then! Here is a snap of my stand from last year. Happy Sunday ♡

Saturday, 1 August 2020


H e l l o  A u g u s t ๐ŸŒป
#birthdaymonth #august